Monday, April 8, 2013

Liffré (April 8th)

Bonjour à LaSalle! Don’t worry; we are all currently in possession of our bagage (luggage). Monday was our welcoming to College Saint Michel and I must say we certainly received the red carpet treatment.  After a breakfast served by chef Olivier, the students were given a lovely tour of the school grounds.  As we passed the gymnasium we noticed a group of students on their way out to the field for a little javelin practice. Mr. Van Steen just might need to add that to the gym curriculum.  When the tour was over, the LaSalle crew was officially presented to the entire school!  We felt right at home as technical difficulties with the microphone made it difficult to hear.  Or perhaps it was the noise of the French students who could barely contain themselves as cheers rang out, “USA, USA, USA!” From there the students shadowed their hosts for several class periods, just long enough to build up their appetites for chef Olivier’s amazing second act, lunch.  Let’s just say he’s never heard of corn dog or nacho day here in Liffré.  Words can’t describe how wonderful the food was compared to CPS.  Then it was on to our tour/scavenger hunt of the city center, which wouldn’t have been complete without a stop at the local boulangerie (bakery).  Not a bad way to end our first official school day in town.

Le Chef

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